Extract " Acceptmessagesonlyfrom" for a mailbox
Hi We are using exchange 2007 .Using powershell how can we extract the list of Acceptmessagesonlyfrom from a mailWe used the following cmdlets: - get-mailbox "user logon" |fl acceptmessagesonlyfrom,acceptmessagesonlyfromdlmembers |out-file "c:/output/"its is not giving complete list , do you have any solution?regardsSAK
March 4th, 2010 5:01pm
Does this work any better?[string](get-mailbox "user logon").acceptmessagesonlyfrom | out-file "c:/output/"[string](get-mailbox "user logon").acceptmessagesonlyfromdlmembers | out-file "c:/output/" -append
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March 4th, 2010 5:43pm
Hi,I see this to be very useful to my requirment but, the output is different structure "domain/ou/location/username"can we get only the users name . Thanks for your help in advance.Regards,EAI
March 4th, 2010 9:20pm
Do you want to keep the names all on one line, or would like to have a columnar list?(get-mailbox "user logon").acceptmessagesonlyfrom |% { $_.name} | add-content "c:/output/"(get-mailbox "user logon").acceptmessagesonlyfromdlmembers |% { $_.name} | add-content "c:/output/"
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March 4th, 2010 10:17pm